Outside my full-time job and during my free time, I often find myself working on personal side projects. Due to having limited free time and a wide range of interests, the length of these side projects varies, and it is not unusual for there to be a considerable amount of gap between the time I get to work on them. Prior to this site, these fragments and short bursts of time spent on these side projects meant that the associated any associated work would be fragmented around on different machines, drives, and notebooks.

The content of this site was originally created for personal use with the aim to document, organize, consolidate, and summarize some of these ideas or experiences which felt interesting enough to share with others who happen to be venturing down the same path. In fact, the way the contents of this site originally was generated itself was one of these ideas which I actually still use (with some modifications) for building this site.

If you find mistakes or typos, I would appreciate receiving a message contact zshbqmY55P7gDuuwHJ9SV89pw6Fy2ok5RDbtRWTQpDjsaSVVLADqTKUyPdRuIKsXzVtlkhDaOiEc+VJwmN9Aoxcom so that I have an opportunity to correct them.