word2vec From Scratch


The objective of this post is to implement word2vec from scratch -- starting with the underlying equations and using bare minimum dependencies and single sentence as input. We do this initially with determining a probability matrix which maximizes the likelihood of having the sequence of input words. Then we view the equations as a 'neural network'.

This is implemented initially using only numpy. With that in place, we the equivalent minimal transitory pytorch code to solve the same problem exactly is written, gradually bringing in new packages. This would help us gain some confidence when using pytorch since it is so easy to have an implementation that runs without error, and even "works", but may not actually do what you may think it does or runs suboptimally.


Given an large input corpus of text in form of coherent English sentences, we are interested in finding association between words. As the name suggests, this is done by associating each vocabulary word with a vector. The popularized illustrative example commonly in word2vec used is as follows: Assume that the large corpus of text included the full english language. Then from the learned word-vector association, we may have a relationship between the vectors resembling , where denotes the learned vector for a given word.

The overall of the approach, which will be detailed below, is as follows.

  1. Construct a training data set by passing a fixd window-size across the large input corpus of text and collecting the neighboring words
  2. Find a probability matrix which, given an input word, identifies the maximum likelihood of the next following word. This probability matrix is composed of word embeddings of the corpus of text. That is, each word in the vocabulary maps to a vector of fixed embedding size.

While there are two common different models that can be considered, we will focus on the Skip-gram model. In doing so, given a corpus of text, we generate a training dataset by running a fixed-width window width across the corpus of text. The window will be centered around the center word, and the neighboring context words will be the targets.

In this post, our corpus of text will be a single sentence:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Needless to say, we consider only a single example solely for simplicity and demonstration.

In this example, we choose a fixed word-window size of 5. The window will be passed through the sentence, incrementing it by one on each step. In the below table, the 'center' of the window is colored and visualized as green the surrounding neighbor words are colored and highlighted in yellow. The Skip-grams are the center words and each of the neighboring words to the centered word:

i Window Skip-grams

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the, quick
the, brown

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

quick, the
quick, brown
quick, fox

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

brown, the
brown, quick
brown, fox
brown, jumps

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

fox, quick
fox, brown
fox, jumps
fox, over

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

jumps, brown
jumps, fox
jumps, over
jumps, the

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

over, fox
over, jumps
over, the
over, lazy

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

the, jumps
the, over
the, lazy
the, dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

lazy, over
lazy, the
lazy, dog

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

dog, the
dog, lazy

Based on the above table, the resulting dataset has 30 entries. Since there are 9 words 8 of which are unique, the full dataset will be 30 x 8. The above text can be encoded as integers by building a vocabulary.


As in previous posts (see e.g. logistic regression), we consider maximization of a likelihood function. Specifically, given a center word , we wish to maximize the likelihood of having its context words .

In the above,

Instead of working with the likelihood directly, as has been the pattern and see before (see e.g. part 1, part 2, and part 3 ), we consider the maximization of the log-likelihood. Denoting , the log-likelihood objective function becomes

Note that is unknown; it will be approximated through the optimization process. Also note that , or equivalently .

If we let denote the total number of centered words and their skipgrams, as the total number of vocabulary, then the relation between the center word and the context words for a given Skip-grams can be expressed through sparse matrices as follows. Each row of matrix marks the center word with a 1. Similarly, each corresponding row of marks the corresponding context word of the centered word (see example in the next section). can be readily constructed for given Skip-grams. Then the objective function for a given dataset can be written as

where here denotes the component-wise logarithm of an input matrix, is a matrix whose rows contain (unknown) probabilities for each centered word, and '' denotes the matrix inner product. Note that effectively only "picks" the selected rows of specified in , i.e. rows of contain duplicates and are made up of rows of . The columns of represent the prediction of the likelihood of the a given vocabulary word.

We write as the softmax of two unknown matrices:


'Neural Network' viewpoint

Neural networks can be thought of as function approximators. In neural networks and deep learning, it is not unusual to construct a model by stacking a large number of "layers" on top of each other (sometimes blindly) and solving for the unknown coefficients in the layers by optimizing the objective function ("loss" function). Here, however, the network is constructed explicitly based on the equations above.

Recall the objective function is given by

We can viewed this as two distinct steps:

  1. Prediction:
  2. likelihood:

Noting that , the neural network layers are

  1. Layer1: Linear transformation
  2. Layer2: Linear transformation
  3. Layer3: Cross entropy

The last layer (L3) can be viewed as two separate operations (layers): row-wise softmax, followed by matrix inner product. But here we use a single layer because it corresponds to the likelihood evaluation described in the preceding section, and as will be seen later, it can correspond to a single function call in pytorch.


In order to minimize this objective function, we need at least the first gradient of the objective function with respect to the model parameters. While gradients are typically computed via backward passes within deep learning frameworks, here we compute them directly.

Before going further, it is useful to note two equalities due to the structure of and :

The objective function can thus be rewritten as

Then represents a matrix whose rows (some duplicate) are made up of vector-embedded center words. And besides representing (un-normalized) probabilities, can be viewed as the projection of vector-embedded cented words onto vector-embedded neighbor words.

In order to minimize this objective function, we need at least the first gradient of the objective function with respect to the model parameters. First denote

Now note that the objective function can be expanded as


And so,

With these, the first gradient of the objective function with respect to the weights are

The above two equations are easily determined by reverting to index notation and converting back.


To summarize, the process will be as follows.

  1. Build a vocabulary and encode input text using the vocabulary
  2. Generate the dataset (, ) by passing a window over the text.
  3. Define an objective function. Map each center word to a -dimensional vector whose values are unknown. Project the resulting vectors via a projection matrix whose values will be found by minimizing the objective function.

As an example, consider the previous single sentence:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

1. Create tokens

We will break up the string and drop all punctuation and get a tokens of text.

tokens = [
   'the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog'

2. Create a vocabulary

Create a Word-to-int w2i map to encode the tokens into integers.

w2i = {
  "the": 0,
  "quick": 1,
  "brown": 2,
  "fox": 3,
  "jumps": 4,
  "over": 5,
  "lazy": 6,
  "dog": 7

Our vocabulary here has a size of 8. There is an analogous reverse int-to-word i2w map to map integers back to tokens.

encoded_tokens = [
   0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 5, 6

3. Create a dataset

Using a window size of 5, we found the 30 different skip-grams in the table above. We will denote to contain the encoded center words, and to contain the target context words:

The horizontal lines are visual guides to indicate the change in center words.

4. Minimize objective function

The gradients of the objective function with respect to the weights were determined in the preceding section. Utilizing those results, a bare gradient decent algorithm for solving the optimization problem becomes simple:

  1. Given a corpus of text, the dataset
  2. Initialize to be sampled from a normal distribution.
  3. Select a step length ("learning rate") .
  4. Do until convergence:
    1. Evaluate model output:
    2. Evaluate objective function value
    3. Update model weights

Here 'convergence' can be a predetermined value of '', or a fixed number of iterations.


We will start out with a numpy-only implementation, then migrate to pytorch. Before going into numpy implementaions, let's quickly look at where we want to be. I would like the overall approach resemble a workflow that's seen in pytorch. If you have never worked with pytorch before, the implementation may look somewhat odd, unusual, and/or counter-intuitive (see the intro to pytorch article). That's by design.

While pytorch does not places any restrictions per-se, the objective function ("loss function") is decoupled from the forward pass and computed separately via a predefined loss function in the nn module. The gradients are computed by calling backward on the final error, which is a "scalar". I am putting scalar in quotes because the returned error is actually a "tensor" which contains the full network graph.

Here's the overall target pytorch-ish pseudo-code that our implementation is going to resemble

class my_model(nn.Module):
   def __init__(self):
      self.weight = nn.Parameter(...)

model = my_model()

# 1. Forward pass
prediction = model(dataset)

# 2. Evaluate error.
# the objective function is generally
# separate from the forward pass
error = objective_function(prediction, target)

# 3. Evaluate gradients on model parameters.
#    This call changes `model.weights`

# 4. Update weights using gradients
# The gradient of `error` with respect to 'weight'
# is now populated. Use them to update next weights for
# the next iteration.
model.weight -= gamma * model.weight.grad

This is what I mean by counter-intuitive: calling error.backward() changes the state of other variables. To make it more confusing, consider the last line, namely:

model.weight -= gamma * model.weight.grad

Intuitively model.weight.grad is the gradient of model.weights. Actually it's not. And that would not even make sense: the gradient of weights clearly does not have the same dimension as the weights. It turns out, as you may have recognized the last line as an update of the weights in a gradient descent, model.weight.grad is actually the gradient of the error (objective function) with respect to model.weight. Very confusing. Alas, our goal is for our implementation to somewhat resemble the above.

numpy implementation

Following the steps listed in the preceding example.

1. Create tokens

def tokenize_text(text):
    """Split and lowercase words in input string, removing punctuations

         text (str): input string
         list[str]: list of words
    return text 
        .translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)) 

2. Create a vocabulary

from collections import OrderedDict

def tokens_encode(tokens):
    """Generate int-to-word and word-to-int maps

         tokens (list): list of string tokens
         (dict): word-to-int mapping of tokens
         (dict): int-to-word mapping of tokens

    w2i, i2w = {}, {}

    # Remove duplicate entries while preserving order
    tokens = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(tokens))

    for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
        w2i[token] = i
        i2w[i] = token

    return w2i, i2w

The vocabulary is the keys of the w2i map, and its length is the size of the vocabulary.

3. Create a dataset

We need to define a couple of helper functions for convenience:

  1. A function which, given an index of the center in the text, returns the indices of the context words.
  2. A function to generate a vector of size N whose entries are all zero except at a given index:
def window_range(center, wing, max_index):
    """Return indices of a window centered around index

      Example 2-width width centered around 4 of a vector of length 11

      [0  1  2  3   4   5  6  7  8  9  10]
             |      |      |

         center (int): center index
         wing (int): half the window width
         max_size (int): maximum index the window can slide over
         (range) range centered around center bounded by max_index
         Index list for a window

    return range(
        max(0, center-wing),
        min(max_index, center+wing+1)

def bin_vec(size, idx):
    """Generate a vector whose entries are either 0 or zero

         size (int): length of the vector
         idx (int): index where the vector value is one

         (list) zero vector whose 'idx' entry is equal to 1


    ret = [0]*size
    ret[idx] = 1
    return ret

With these defined, we can generate the dataset by iterating thorugh the input tokens

def gen_dataset(tokens, w2i, window):
    """Generate a training dataset given input tokens

      For text `foo bar baz qux quux corge grault garply`, a window of
      length 2 centered around `qux` would result in training targets of
      ['bar', 'baz',     'quux', 'corge']

         tokens (list[str]): list of words
         w2i (dict[str:int]): string to index mapping of input words
         window (int): half the window width centered around each word,
      see above
         (numpy.ndarray) input dataset of dimension (token_size, vocab_size)
         (numpy.ndarray) target dataset of dimension (token_size, vocab_size)

    X, y = [], []
    token_count = len(tokens)
    vocab_size = len(w2i)

    for token_id in range(token_count):
        for window_id in window_range(token_id, window, token_count):
            if token_id == window_id:
            X.append(bin_vec(vocab_size, w2i[tokens[token_id]]))
            y.append(bin_vec(vocab_size, w2i[tokens[window_id]]))

    return np.array(X), np.array(y)

4. Minimize objective function

In order to implement our objective function, We need two more helper functions:

  1. A numerically stable softmax function that does not over/underflow
  2. A cross-entropy function which is our objective function
def softmax(X):
    """Return softmax on rows of a 2d array

         X (ndarray) 2 dimensional matrix
         (ndarray) 2 dimensional matrix with normalized rows
    res = []
    for x in X:
        # subtract max val to avoid overflow
        exp = np.exp(x - np.max(x))
    return np.array(res)

def cross_entropy(z, y):
    """Cross entropy between two 2d arrays

         z (ndarray) 2 dimensional matrix
         y (ndarray) 2 dimensional target matrix
         (float) cross entropy between z and y

    # component-wise multiplication
    return - np.sum(np.log(z) * y)

Finally, the model can be defined:

class w2v_model:
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size):
        self.w1 = np.random.randn(vocab_size, embed_size)
        self.w2 = np.random.randn(embed_size, vocab_size)

    def predict(self, X):
        cache = {}
        A1 = X  @ self.w1
        A2 = A1 @ self.w2
        z  = softmax(A2)
        cache = {
            'a1': A1,
            'a2': A2,
            'z': z
        return z, cache

    def forward(self, X):
        """Foward pass of input through the network

           X (np.array): Input data
           y (np.array): Expected output

           (np.array): network output
           (float): objective function error
           (dict): cache for running backward
        return self.predict(X)

    def __call__(self, X):
        return self.forward(X)

    def backward(self, cache, X, y):
        """Perform backward pass _and_ update model parameters

           cache (dict): cache returned via forward call
           X (np.array): input dataset
           y (np.array): expected output
           lr (float): step size, in (0, 1]
        da2 = cache['z'] - y
        dw2 = cache['a1'].T @ da2
        da1 = da2 @ self.w2.T
        dw1 = X.T @ da1

        # to resemble some form of consistency with pytorch
        # gradients of the `error` with respect to w1 and w2
        self.w1_grad = dw1
        self.w2_grad = dw2

    def error(self, output, target):
        return cross_entropy(output, target)

Now can run a simple gradient descent algorithm:

LR = 0.05

text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
tokens = tokenize_text(text)
w2i, i2w = tokens_encode(tokens)
X, y = gen_dataset(tokens, w2i, window)

model = w2v_model(len(w2i), embed_size=10)

# Run gradient descent
err_hist = []
for i in range(ITER_COUNT):
    # Model prediction
    pred, cache = model(X)
    # objective function
    err = model.error(pred, y)

    # Update model weight gradients
    model.backward(cache, X, y)

    # Update model weights
    model.w1 -= LR * model.w1_grad
    model.w2 -= LR * model.w2_grad

    print(i, err)

numpy sanity check

It turns out, especially in pytorch, it's quiet easy to have an implementation that runs, and even "works", but what it does may not correspond to what you may think or it runs suboptimally. A good example of this is due to operator overloading. For example, visually one may expect that

C = A * B

corresponds to the matrix multiplication of A and B. But if these variables are numpy.ndarrays, the above code may be performing component-wise multiplication with (conventionally) "incompatible" dimensions via broadcasting.

Going back to our implementation. If we have optimized the coefficients sufficiently well enough ("trained" well), for this trivial example we expect to see the neighboring elements having the highest probabilities of occuring given the center words.

Consider for example the second center word:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Since this was our training data, we then expect that, given quick, The , brown , and fox have the highest probabilities of occuring.

# second window
cent_vec = bin_vec(len(w2i), w2i['quick'])
probabilities, _ = model([cent_vec])
probabilities = probabilities[0]

# sorted probability indices in descending order of probability
pred_next_indices = np.argsort(probabilities)[::-1]

neighbors = ['the', 'brown', 'fox']
pred_next_indices_window = pred_next_indices[:len(neighbors)]

for neighbor in neighbors:
    print('assert ', neighbor)
    assert w2i[neighbor] in pred_next_indices_window

pytorch implementation

There are different ways to implement this in pytorch. But in our implementation, we want it to be a gradual transition to pytorch without pulling in a lot of black boxes.

Using bare parameters

This implementation uses bare parameters.

class w2v_torch_model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size):

        # Only for consistency with the numpy model, initialize the
        # parameters with numpy randn with preset seed

        self.w1 = nn.Parameter(
                np.random.randn(vocab_size, embed_size).astype(torch.float32)

        # We could have used torch.nn.Linear instead for the weights
        self.w2 = nn.Parameter(
            torch.tensor(np.random.randn(embed_size, vocab_size).astype(torch.float32)),
        self.smax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1)

    def predict(self, X):
        A1 = X  @ self.w1
        A2 = A1 @ self.w2
        z = self.smax(A2)
        return z

    def forward(self, X):
        return self.predict(X)

    def obj_func(X, y):
        # component-wise multiplication of X and y y is binary --- the
        # multiplication will pick only the nth component of X (the
        # target)
        return -torch.sum(torch.log(X) * y)

The solver is going to look almost identical to the numpy implementation:

LR = 0.05

text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
tokens = tokenize_text(text)
w2i, i2w = tokens_encode(tokens)
X, y = gen_dataset(tokens, w2i, window)

X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32)

model = w2v_torch_model(len(w2i), embed_size=EMBED_DIM)

err_hist = []
for i in range(ITER_COUNT):
    pred = model(X)
    err = model.obj_func(pred, y)

    with torch.no_grad():
        model.w1 -= LR*model.w1.grad
        model.w2 -= LR*model.w2.grad

    print(f'{i}/{ITER_COUNT}: {err.data.item()}')

Using Layers

In the next implementation, we will offload the parameters to built-in "layers", and use a built-in function (CrossEntropy to evaluate the likelihood. In our model, we only have simple matrix multiplication, so we can use nn.Linear layers with no bias.

import numpy as np
from torch import nn


class w2v_torch_model_2(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, vocab_size, embed_size):

        # Pytorch implicitly initializes model weights
        L1 = nn.Linear(vocab_size, embed_size, bias=False)
        L2 = nn.Linear(vocab_size, embed_size, bias=False)

        # To get the same results per iteration as the numpy impl,
        # explicitely overwrite the weights with the same exact
        # weights used in the numpy implementation. This is *not*
        # required in other scenarios
        w1_0 = np.random.randn(vocab_size, embed_size)
        w2_0 = np.random.randn(vocab_size, embed_size)
        L1.weight = torch.from_numpy(w1_0.T)
        L2.weight = torch.from_numpy(w2_0.T)

        # Stack the layers
        self.layers = nn.Sequential(L1, L2)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layers(x)

    def obj_func(X, y):
        f = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction='sum')
        return f(X, y)

Then the driver would be similar as before

LR = 0.05

text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
tokens = tokenize_text(text)
w2i, i2w = tokens_encode(tokens)
X, y = gen_dataset(tokens, w2i, window)

X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32)

model = w2v_torch_model_2(len(w2i), embed_size=EMBED_DIM)

err_hist = []
for i in range(ITER_COUNT):
    # forward: predict (evaluate probabilities)
    pred = model(X)

    # evaluate objective function
    likelihood = model.obj_func(pred, y)

    # Backward pass: compute gradients

    # Update parameters for this iteration of gradient decent
    with torch.no_grad():
        for layer in model.layers:
            # Gradient decent iteration update
            layer.weight -= LR*layer.weight.grad

    # Clear the accumulated gradients for the next
    # iteration.

    print(f'{i}/{ITER_COUNT}: {err.data.item()}')

Using Optimizers

For the final iteration, we will use pytorch's built-in optimizers for updating model weights in each iteration. Since we were using gradient decent as the algorithm, we can use pytorch's built-in SGD optimizer:

LR = 0.05

text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.'
tokens = tokenize_text(text)
w2i, i2w = tokens_encode(tokens)
X, y = gen_dataset(tokens, w2i, window)

X = torch.tensor(X, dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float32)

model = w2v_torch_model_2(len(w2i), embed_size=EMBED_DIM)
optim = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=LR)

err_hist = []
for i in range(ITER_COUNT):
    # forward: predict (evaluate probabilities)
    pred = model(X)

    # evaluate objective function
    likelihood = model.obj_func(pred, y)

    # Backward pass: compute gradients

    # Clear the accumulated gradients for the next
    # iteration.

    print(f'{i}/{ITER_COUNT}: {err.data.item()}')

From above, note another oddity of pytorch: calling optim.step() modifies model weights under the hood. Bizarre.

Since we are using the same data types, the results, per iteration, should be identical to the numpy implementation.


Looking at the output for the single sentence is not going to be very revealing. Instead, consider now a (admittedly heavily manufactured) example which is meant to be purely conceptual. A very small article is constructed from various articles regarding the sun, daylight, sunrise, and earth. For illustration purposes, and to avoid introducing additional topics (dimensionality reduction), the dimension of the embedding vector is taken to be 3, and the window size is taken to be 5.

Figure shows the resulting embedding vectors and the corresponding words. For illustration the resulting vectors in are shown in the following figure.

Individual vectors in . is shown in color red.